WW3 Diary Entry 4

I’m feeling philosophical as the world seems passed the idea that WW3 has begun.

Why do I want to be right?

What would I get for being right?

Short answer: being prepared. I like to be prepared. I believe in being prepared. I’m an Eagle Scout for crying out loud. Boy Scout Motto: “Be Prepared.”

But with being right about WW3, it’s more than that—especially as I’m no “prepper”.

With my belief that it’s important to know that WW3 is being actively waged right now, I also get to not be some stupid, head-buried in the sand, wealthy enough to not experience war, johnny come lately when the sacrifice really begins. Put in a simple analogy: toilet paper. That was you—not me. Over a cold.

If people lost their minds over a common cold, what do you expect will happen when the fire starts?

I know exactly what will happen. Denial. Chaos. And some sort of purification process wherein the only winners will be those who consistently tell the truth.

So today, I’m telling the truth.

The truth is this is it. The big one. Be prepared. Keep the long game in mind. And stay focused.

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